7 Skills required to ace ‘Group Discussion’
Preparing for a group discussion well in advance helps a candidate in participating in the Group Discussions with interested and confident. However, preparation should not be limited to reading and accruing knowledge alone. One should learn to manage time, talk well, master the language, learn appropriate body gestures and keep practicing repeatedly in the group. Students may form an informal group among themselves in their colleges and schedule few hours every week to practice group discussions.
Group Discussions need preparation beforehand. Although the discussion might be on the spot, having some skill sets would go a long way in performing well in the Group Discussion. The following skills are imperative for a candidate to succeed in a Group Discussion-
- Body Language:
- Holistic communication includes verbal as well as nonverbal communication. Non-verbal communication conveys ideas by means of body language and gestures. An individual, for example, may be speaking something but unless his thoughts are exemplified by his body language, the overall communication becomes drab and ineffective.
- One must dress well for success. Dressing formally and modestly for an interview conveys that a person is well groomed and pleasant in appearance and personality.
- Positive body language includes maintaining eye contact, sitting upright, affirming that you are actively listening to them by nodding your head and using your hands effectively to convey gestures.
- Group behavior:
- Group behavior reflects the ability of a person to conduct him within a group. This behavior shows how well a person can behave within a team of people who have diverse personality traits.
- Acceptable group behavior includes maintaining composure even when others criticize your opinion.
- Appropriate Language:
- While participating in a Group Discussion, it is preferable if one avoids jargon or heavy vocabulary.
- Using simple, yet grammatically correct sentences to convey one’s ideas makes the discussion interesting and persuasive.
- Leadership Skills:
- Leadership skills demonstrate how effectively one would lead a team in future. The candidate who demonstrate the best leadership skills immediately noticed by the interviewers.
- Good Leadership skills include opening the Group Discussion, aiding other participants to express their opinion, collaborating the ideas that are thrown across by candidates.
- Listening Skills:
- Effective listening centres around focusing on understanding the message. It shows one’s attentiveness to the discussion. People who have effective listening skills are perceived to make good leaders.
- Effective Listening includes taking off from where the last candidate paused, it promotes continuity of ideas and thoughts.
- Effective listening helps a candidate to familiarize himself with the topic in case he is not able to understand the topic for Group Discussion.
- Knowledge:
- Reading extensively contributes to the accrual of knowledge in various areas.
- In a group discussion having a good know how in the topic under discussion will prove an icing on the cake for the candidate. Such candidate can express him confidently with authority and invoke interest of other group members.
- Knowledge cannot be acquired overnight and it has to be a slow but steady process.
- Presentation:
- Presenting one’s views is the trickiest part of a Group Discussion. Sometimes, a candidate having excellent command over the subject given may fail poorly because of lack of presentation skills.
- Ideas should be presented in smooth, sequential manner, with the introduction in the beginning, followed by main ideas and a rational conclusion at the end. An idea should be picked up from where it was left and the continuity should indicate smooth flow of the discussion. Going off the track or discussing unimportant points result in poor Group Discussion.
- Personal Grooming:
- Your appearance may not reflect your academic grades but it reflect your attitude . Imagine you go dressed to a Group Discussion in casuals with a sloppy hairstyle. You wouldn’t be giving a cool impression instead you would be throwing away all chances of being selected as it gives an impression of careless attitude. Use following tips to ensure that you are appropriately groomed for the interview-
For Women:
- Wear subtle shades and not loud gaudy colors.
- Maintain well-manicured nails with natural nail shades.
- Wear light make up
- Wear neatly ironed clothes
- Maintain a profession hairstyle
- Wear minimal jewelry.
For Men:
- Dress Formally
- Wear a good pair of formal shoes.
- Wear neatly ironed clothes
- Nails must be well manicured and clean.