“Search”, ‘Review”, “Comparison”, These ternary words were my monotonous routine just few days before. Since inception of 2022 I was confused, poised, undecided and what not. You all must be thinking what am I talking about or must have assumed about the subject as you can see the title above.

Yes! I’m prattling about colleges if that’s what you thought. So, after comparing and reviewing plethora of colleges/institutes and shortlisting few colleges/institutes amongst them I did “Enie, Minie, Money mo” and it landed on this institute IILM. Joking!

I had many offers from dissimilar regions like NCR, Bangalore and Mumbai, but I ne’er wanted to leave my hometown, So I decided to go with IILM as I found this institute finest amongst all the colleges/institutes offering PGDM course in Lucknow.

My first day in this institute was on 05/07, Tuesday, and to be very honest I was not nervous at all. So, that day I woke up early at 8:00 am as I was too exhilarated, yeah! I know that’s not early but for a indolent guy like me it was unseasonable, Subsequently I brushed my teeth, took bath blah! blah! and arrived college at 9:20 am. Brimmed with confidence and I took my first steps in the classroom and BOOM! That day I took cognizance about my hidden talent that I’m also a very good actor. There were fair amount of things were going in my mind and in my body but from outside I was acting as if everything is good, fine, “Oh Yeah! yeah me everyone, See! I’m so chill”. I chose the middle row and back seat of the class as didn’t feel like to walk much I went and sat and then gradually I started getting comfortable. But I didn’t know that a very cute surprise is waiting for me. I have always heard this quote

“Be Patient, The Best Things Happen Unexpectedly“

So accurate, the very same thing happened with me, but in another universe. Jeez! The first period was of MATHS! To be brutally frank I wasn’t anticipating maths in this course but never mind I took grasped it as a challenge now and I know that I’ll make it. Having said all the above, the maths (Business Mathematics) lecturer was clear, concise and comprehensive when it was required, I understood all the concepts that day and subsequently all his classes so far have been intriguing. It’s merely been 7 days in the IILM and I’m already starting to like the ambience here. In no mean time I’ve made some good friends, the faculty is knowledgeable, intelligent and supportive, the subjects teachers are not being sesquipedalian in their lectures, enjoying campus life and in contrary what others think about the canteen food, I’m enjoying it specially the bread n egg. So far everything going smooth, but I know the challenges waiting for me in future are in abundance, I’m prepared for it and I’ll fight like a true SPARTAN!

Written by – Shivam Kashyap
PGDM Batch 2022-24