Venue: -IILM Academy of Higher Learning

Date:- April 29, 2018

About The Conference

“Innovation is not merely about making money or technological leadership. It’s about ethics, sustainability, and well-being”. The greatest challenge in the coming years will be to safeguard the Earth’s climate and environment and to promote increased sustainability in economic and social development. The potential conflict between development and preservation can be tackled through the stimulus for innovation, the correct use of new technologies and knowledge.

The aim of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for professionals, academicians, researchers, entrepreneurs, regulators, and administrators to discuss and promote dissemination of information, results, innovations, and improvisations in the broad areas of knowledge, growth, and sustainability. Industries, academic institutions, regulatory bodies, Government agencies and other stakeholders are invited to present papers, research articles, working papers, cases, models and experiments in this National Conference on Knowledge and Innovation for Sustainable Growth.

All stakeholders are welcome to participate in this conference and present their work.Additionally, they are also welcome to attend the conference, as an active member of the audience, and benefit from the stimulating presentations and discussions.



Abstract Acceptance Confirmation: Within One Week of Abstract Submission
Full Paper Submission Deadline:- April 25, 2018
Early Registration Deadline:- April 20, 2018

Themes For The Conference 
themesfor the conferance



Call for Papers

Abstract and Papers should be submitted by E-mail to with “IILM Conference Paper 2018” in the subject line mentioning the sub-theme and the track. Abstracts must include a clear indication of the purpose of research, research methodology, major findings & implications. All submissions will be reviewed.The authors must ensure adherence to the following guidelines for submitting the full-length paper.Cover Page: A cover page shall mention the title of the paper, sub-theme, name of author/s and their affiliation.
Abstract: 250-500 words
Keywords: Maximum 4 words
Maximum length: 4000 words excluding title/ cover page and references.
Font: Times New Roman, Font Size 12 pt. with 1.5 line spacing and single column with 1” margin on all sides.
Tables & Figures: All tables and figures should be serially numbered and properly labeled.
References: References must be given at the end of the paper in APA style.
Submissions to be made in MS Word (.doc or .docx format only)
All accepted papers will be published in the online journal bearing ISSN number.
(* Full Papers will be reviewed before publication)


“Best Paper Award Category
Evaluation is done by the review
the committee based on the full
paper and presentation”

“Papers in Absentia
Papers in Absentia will also be
accepted, but the Abstract, Full
Paper and the PPT must be sent
by the author as per specified

Conferance Date :- April 29, 2018



Conference Address:-

IILM Academy of Higher Learning,
1, Viraj Khand, Near Hahnemann Chauraha,
Gomtinagar, Lucknow – 226010

Dr. Jyotishree Pandey 7007198175
Ms. Shruti Mitra 8004037332
Ms. Supriya Agrawal 8005180600
Ms. Fatima Aliza 914049125

For further details on Registration Process ,fees and Review Commitee click here