Understanding the Psychology of Sales

Mental Health

For all those who see themselves as making their careers in Marketing and Sales, Imagining about selling a product with conviction is still the most daunting task. The sales pitch used by the seller is one of the major determinants of whether the product is worth the purchase or not. Freshers and budding professionals often fumble during a personal interview when asked to sell a product as common as a pen or a laptop. Thus, it is extremely important to identify what actually are the prerequisite for preparing the sales pitch of a product.

Irrespective of the diverse personality types, communication preferences and confidence levels one can still master the art of selling by simply focussing on the psychology of it.

5 Tips to master the cognitive, emotional and personality strengths and minimise the fear of disapproval and rejection.

  1. Do not seek approval or acceptance from the customer: Every individual showcases a need to be liked and experience enhanced self esteem when receiving approval from the customers. However, this acts in reverse during the selling process. Seeking personal self affirmation from the customer about the product may make you desperate in sales negotiations hence the customer may feel dominated and less valued. Instead of focussing on how good you are- the sales pitch should be customer-centric and the customer should feel that her needs and demands are taken into consideration.

  1. Believe genuinely in the product: Remember that more than 70% of the message is conveyed through your non verbal gestures and cues. Thus, remember that if you yourself are not convinced with the product your customers will feel likewise too. So keep in mind not to fake your belief, rather internalise it in the form of conviction towards the product.
  1. Be an Emotional Rider: Human emotions predominantly govern our decision making. As skilled salesperson it is wise to cater to the customer’s emotional state and modify the sales pitch accordingly. Do not get swayed by the words used by the potential customers rather try to tap the emotions and feelings behind them. Use an emotional appeal along with the value addition in order to make the sales pitch impactful.
  1. Look for greater rewards in the long run: Remember that credibility and honesty will take you a long way. You can retain your customers with your trustworthy and genuine attitude. Hence deceiving might generate immediate gains but are damaging in the long run.
  1. Be Creative: Every client has different needs and wants. One pitch which worked previously may not fit in with the next client. Thus, creatively spin your words in order to maximise your profits and capture better results.

Marketing and Sales is one of the highly paid departments of any organisation as their obtained results directly influence the company’s growth. In order to sustain in this challenging role one is required to be highly prepared, practiced and persistent with respect to the products, services and the organisation itself.

Write-up By :
Dr Sonal Gupta
Counselling Psychologist, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach & Career Mentor